Ultimate Level 1 - C.90: The voices in your headMar 27, 2024

Ultimate Level 1

C.90: The voices in your headMar 27, 2024

Fowl had finally stopped his pouting. He complimented Batrires new cloak and took off his helm to give her a quick peck.

Two more small fights brought them to a courtyard with a fountain in the town. In front of it was the orange portal they had been expecting.

Warriors first, Tanila teased as she pushed Max gently from behind.

Level fifty, were going to make you get a warrior skill, Max replied as he shouted over his shoulder. About time you did some of the heavy lifting.

Are we sure about this? Batrire asked, stroking her beard harder than usual. I know we are closer to its level now, but still its a shade.

Fowl grunted but didnt say a word.

Would we not still do this if Max didnt want it? Tanila replied. I mean, at some point, we would face this.

We can walk away if its that hard for you all. I dont want to risk something if you all feel this is a bad idea.

Tanila is right, Max. We need to kill this eventually. Besides, Fowl tapped Maxs new halberd with a finger, I really want to see this in action.

A glow surrounded them, and they knew Batrire had given in to the group.

Redoing his fire enchantment, Max thumbed his chin with his free hand. Are you sure I should go with the halberd not the sword and shield like last time?

Ive seen you fight with that against those skeleton warriors, and you didnt seem to have an issue with them. Do you think you can stealth versus this?

Shrugging, Max frowned. Only one way to find out.

Fowl nodded and moved a step toward the glowing yellow line. Just say when, and Ill pull it here. If need be, we make for the portal.

The sound of the fountain behind them added to the weird feeling this boss zone gave off.

It looked half a mile wide with houses arranged in a circle, creating a courtyard a good seventy-five yards in diameter where the boss stood, waiting. A single road led from it to them.

Be ready with that stone wall, Fowl grunted as he stopped a single step from crossing the line. We ready?

Max moved next to Fowl and glanced back at both women, who nodded.

Its go time, Max declared, a smirk appearing on his lips.

Gods, dont let me die, Fowl whispered as he nodded, watching Max enter stealth before he stepped over the line.

The shade let out a shriek that vibrated through their bones. Max remembered the time it had used something similar during the break and how it had affected others. Fowl also appeared to remember and moved a bit further from Tanila and Batrire, trying to keep them safe from the skill.

The creature raced toward them, its legs moving but still appearing to float off the ground.

Moving a few yards away from Fowl, Max waited, unsure if the shade would notice him and break stealth or if it would provide him an opening.

The bosss two black swords came at Fowl, their speed now seeming much slower than the shade had all those weeks ago. Fowl blocked with his shield and parried the strike, giving a small swing that he never intended to hit with.

Moving up behind the boss, Max held his breath, praying that stealth would hold.

He hurried, knowing the onslaught of attacks would eventually get past Fowls guard, and then its skill would take effect.

This boss felt stronger than the one in the woods. It was at least eight feet tall, a whole head taller than the previous one. Its arms also appeared thicker and more muscular.

In position behind the boss, Max aimed for the same spot he had against the first shade he had faced.

Stealth broke as he drove the spiked tip into its spine.

The bosss bones shattered as Maxs attack plunged through its back and out its stomach.

It shrieked in pain as its legs gave out and it fell to the ground, almost taking Max with it as his weapon was buried inside it.

Fowl jumped back, cursing as he watched the boss on the ground, writhing in agony as its legs failed to work.

Holy elf tits! I mean, Holy ogre-sized elf tits!

Max tried to ignore Fowls steady stream of curses as he tried to understand what had happened. He knew with his stats he was technically level twenty-nine from the number of points he had consumed. His gear, plus Batrires buff, his new weapon, and his backstab skill, the combination of everything, seemed broken.

Finish it! (f)reewe(b)novel

Snapping out of his thoughts and back to the moment at hand, Max spun his weapon till the axe blade was in position and swung, cutting off the bosss right arm at the elbow as it tried to push itself up.

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As it fell back to the ground, he moved to the left side and repeated the attack, taking the remaining arm off, this time above the elbow.

This is impossible, Fowl muttered as he watched Max dismember something that had taken out nearly four groups a few weeks ago.

The black shape squirmed on the ground as black blood oozed from its wounds, looking almost like a fog instead of a liquid.

Moving to the side, Max brought the axe blade down on its neck. It cut most of the way through but required one more strike to cleave it off.

Darkness enveloped him as he felt the cold overwhelm him, followed by an even hotter feeling a moment later.

Why do you resist what we can be?

Max stared at the image of himself, watching it pace back and forth, a frown on its face.

We could be a god! You would be unstoppable if you would just let me take over.

Thats not going to happen. I wont lose who I am or allow you to hurt my friends.

Max crossed his arms and watched his reflection scowl until it stopped moving and faced him.

I would promise not to hurt them. We could protect them. You could save everyone.

The smile his image now wore did nothing to make Max believe that statement was true.

You realize I could simply not help you. I could watch you stumble and fall. To lose your friends

If you do that, I will kill myself.

Maxs voice sounded harder than he had imagined it could. He saw the image watching him. It was searching inside him.

It scowled and raised its hands in frustration, turning away and beginning to pace again.

Foolish boy you would do that

Silence hung for what seemed like forever until his image faced him once more.

I will wait for now. There will be a day you will give in. When you see, I am the only way. When that day comes, I will show you my true power.

Preparing to reply, Max saw it wave its hand, and the blackness flickered. His face was wet again.

Gods, I hope that isnt piss, Max muttered as he opened his eyes, wiping the water off his face.

Please, Fowl replied. Do you know how hard it is to take these pants off? You arent worth that effort.

Chuckling, Max nodded and began to sit up.

He saw Tanilas expression and nodded. It spoke to me again.

She frowned but only nodded.

Did you get a skill? Fowl asked, holding out a hand to help Max up.

Standing, Max saw the notifications waiting for him.

[ 1 Strength Consumed ]

[ Consume has successfully Consumed a skill ]

[ Skill conflicts with Consume ]

[ Skills are trying to merge ]

[ Merge Unsuccesful ]

[ Skill failed to Merge. Attempting to Consume Rank of Skill ]

[ Skill Rank is equal to Current Rank ]

[ Power Stored for Future Use ]

I got one strength, and it stored power again. Im not sure what that does. Im afraid of what will happen when I find out.

No use crying over spilled ale. For now, let's deal with the chest.

Max nodded at Fowl, who pointed to the chest, waiting for them in the middle of the courtyard, where the boss started at.

As they walked toward the gold chest with black etched runes and images, Tanila came up next to Max.

Are you ok? What did the skill tell you?

Looking at her face, Max knew she wouldnt give up or drop this line of questioning and let out a sigh.

It wants me to let myself go. To consume everyone and everything.

Leaning toward her, Max whispered, It even promised to not harm you all and protect you three if I did.

Her eyes widened as she heard that news, and she shook her head.

When I said no, it threatened to not help me and let you all die.

What?! Tanila exclaimed, grabbing Maxs shoulder and spinning him toward her.

Batrire and Fowl stopped, turned around, and tried to figure out what had happened.

Its true. I then told it if it did that, I would kill myself.

She started to speak, but nothing came out. Closing her mouth, Tanila shook her head and then spat on the ground. That is a load of ogre shite if I have ever heard it.

Max snapped his fingers and gave her a stern look.

No, it isnt. It knew I wasnt joking because Im not. I wont let the three of you be used as a bargaining chip to sell my soul or for anything else. Pointing at her briefly, he moved his finger to stop on Batrire and Fowl. You three are the only thing I have in this world. Max paused, growled, and cleared his throat, Anyone who makes that mistake will find out the hard way that was the wrong move.

His three friends stood there quietly before each began to smile.

Guess I should stop pissing in your ale when you arent lookin, Fowl joked.

That might explain the taste, Max shot back with a grin. Now stop playing and open that chest.

Fowl nodded and took off toward the chest in a quick jog.

This just seems to be a great day, Fowl said as the other three arrived right after he opened up the chest and peered inside.

A black sword like the one the boss had, plate boots, a mage wand, and another ring were all quickly snatched up by their respective owners. Left with the tokens for killing the Shade Knight was a cape, waiting to be given to the winner of chance.

Its between you and Tanila. Who's it going to be?

Fowl shook his head as he put his new boots in storage. She can have it. Both of the colors showing arent my style.

You sure? Tanila asked.

He nodded, and their mage quickly reached in and activated the timer. Thirty seconds later, she held a sea blue cape that did not go well with her purple robe.

Gods, that is going to clash, isnt it? she asked.

Batrire nodded while scrunching her face in pain. It hurts just to consider how that will look.

True, but I guess I will only wear it with you three. And we have all seen worse things than this like a massive leather spike from someone's shoulder.

Everyone, including Max, laughed, nodding at how bad that had been.

Get your tokens, and let's get out of here, Max said. You three need to go upgrade your skills.

How did you know we were level thirty? Tanila asked.

I didnt, but you confirmed that you all are.

Max grinned like a kid who had just eaten a massive piece of candy. Tanila groaned as she realized Max had indeed fooled her.

Grabbing their tokens, they ignored the timer and headed toward the portal.

How are we going to afford all of our skill upgrades? Batrire asked. They cost a fortune.

I got this, Max replied, tapping his pendant under his armor. Courtesy of my luck at the casino.

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