Ultimate Level 1 - C.89: A mimic and its tongueMar 27, 2024

Ultimate Level 1

C.89: A mimic and its tongueMar 27, 2024

The mimic pulled Max closer, dragging him across the dirt inch by inch.

Max's ability to parry or do anything else, as the Mimic attacked each time he attempted to slash at the tongue holding his leg, was overwhelming.

Batrire had healed him, but the grip was too firm to break free from.

Fowl appeared next to the tongue that held his leg and began hammering at it with his mace. It bounced off, not doing any real damage.

Frantic, Max replaced his right sword and pulled out his spear. This worsened his position in some ways, but he had a plan and needed to at least try.

Tanila! Stone wall its mouth!

A few seconds later, a stone wall rose between the two tongues, pushing them slightly apart and blocking the mimics vision briefly.

As the tongue flailed around, not able to press the advantage it had, Max moved toward it, using the force of its pulling him to stand up and drive the spear into it.

His idea worked, as it pierced the tongue completely, and he continued to press down, thrusting the spear and driving it into the dirt.

The other tongue thrashed, pounding at the stone wall and breaking it after a few strikes. The tongue that had a hold of Maxs leg let go, squirming like a worm on a hook, trying to get itself free.

Hit it! Max shouted, knowing Fowl wouldnt stop his attack.

Chopping down with his sword, Max cleaved a massive gash into the tongue near where he had speared it.

The mimic shrieked and chirped, making noises as it tried to hop and move, but Max didnt pause, ignoring the other tongue coming at him slashing again.

His sphere of detection told him he needed to move, and so he leaned backward, watching the loose tongue whip through where his head had been, making a snapping noise from the force.

Knowing that if that attack had connected with his head, he would most likely be dead, Max gave one more swing with his sword, slicing all the way through the tongue that was pinned.

The mimic lunged forward, jumping off the ground, coming at Max and his spear.

Rolling to the right, Max avoided the chomp.

Backing up a few more steps, Max watched as the mimic grunted and made noises.

Its on your spear! Fowl shouted, and Max nodded.

Storing his sword, Max pulled out his last axe from the ogres and tried not to sigh.

Are we actually doing anything to this

Ignoring the thought that kept coming up, Max moved toward the chest and slammed the axes blade into one of the mimics eyes, black blood squirting and erupting as it screamed and fell over onto its side.

Thankful the axe hadnt broken, Max prepared to swing again and realized that his spear was gone.

Fowl had yet to notice as he unleashed a barrage of attacks with his mace, filling the air with the sounds of mace on metal.

Moving forward to attack again, Max froze as he saw the mimics tongue appear from its mouth, holding a halberd.

Look out! Batrire shouted as the mimic spun on Fowl.

The halberd swung through the air with the speed of the tongue, slamming into Fowls shield and sending the dwarf staggering a few steps.

Max saw the axe he had dropped when it broke was also gone.

Shelving that knowledge for now, Max dashed toward the mimic. Taking a chance, he shifted to the right and swung from above, connecting with the left eye and causing it to pop under the force of his attack.

The mimics tongue thrashed like a tree in a windstorm, the halberd it had created waving frantically in the air with no real direction.

Its blind! Fowl shouted.

A clang of metal on metal rang out. Max assumed it was the monster's weapon hitting Fowls shield.

Should I risk it

Max wanted to attack but knew what it meant if he failed.

Do I use Berserker?!

He shouted, waiting to attack and unsure what the others wanted him to do.

The seconds stretched on, and two more sounds of metal on metal rang out.

Use it!

Putting his axe away, Max withdrew his two swords and cleared his mind.

Max gritted his teeth, moving in till he was barely a sword length away from the mimics back.

[ Berserker Activated ]

The rush of red filled him, and his eyes locked on to the metal behemoth before him.

His swords moved so fast that Tanila and Batrire couldnt follow them.

Every swing hit with a force that tore chunks of flesh from the creature before him.

The mimic tried to turn, but it only exposed itself to the fury of Maxs blades. As the mimic attempted to face the attacker behind it, the back right edge of its body was sliced away, like it was pressed against a grinding wheel, with flesh falling to the ground in chunks.

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Halfway through turning, it realized the damage it was taking and withdrew into itself, snapping its tongue in and closing the lid, hoping to endure the salvo.

Fowl ran toward the women as Max shredded the mimic with everything he had in him.

Dear gods, Batrire muttered to Tanila as they watched the horror unfold for ten seconds.

Max felt the world return to him when the skill wore off and saw the creature whimpering before him. He had cut through almost half of its body in that short amount of time. Its attempt to shield itself couldnt withstand his strength and speed.

There was nothing to do but finish it, and Max felt no remorse.

The flesh inside was soft and squishy. Its exterior, which had been a protective shell, was gone.

Swapping out his swords for his axe, Max set his feet and delivered a blow into the middle of the gooey mass.

Five attacks later, the creature was cut in two, and a rush of cold knocked Max to his knees.

[ 1 Strength Consumed ]

[ 3 Constitution Consumed ]

[Consume has successfully Consumed a skill]

[ Skill does not match beings body type ]

[ Consume is adjusting skill ]

[Would you like to learn [ Conceal Self ]?]

[ Yes / No]

As his body dealt with the changes and growth, Max felt a thread connecting his soul to his mind. It was like he could partially tug at it.

He sensed his party coming toward him as they ran through the dungeon.

Standing, his legs no longer shaky, and he turned in time to see the three of them looking at him.

He got something, Fowl declared with a slight groan. He has that same smile.

Max chuckled once and nodded. I have no clue what it does, so give me a second.

[Skill Description - Conceal Self]


Conceal Self - Epic Skill: Skill owner may alter every aspect of their status screen as they desire. Name, Race, Level, Stats, and Skills may be set to any system value. Changing, adding, or taking away does not actually affect displayed information. Only an inspection skill higher than this rank may detect the actual status sheet.


Maxs mouth hung open.

Ignoring the looks the other three were giving him, he reread it.

For gods sake, Seth, tell us what you got!

Nodding, Max turned and smiled at Fowl. What level are you?

Flinching a little, Fowl paused a moment and then responded. Im level twenty-nine. You know that.

Max nodded and leaned closer. What if I told you I could make my status screen say whatever I wanted?

Scowling, Fowl shook his head. Thats not possible.

It is Tanila replied before biting her lip. The mimic it had a disguise skill your skill changed that, didnt it?

Groaning, Max nodded and shrugged. You are a bit too smart for me, madam mage. It did. I also think I understand something about my time trying to farm skills. The low-level creatures and bosses give nothing. The one I got from the zombie was higher than the others. Perhaps they have to be at least a level fifteen difficulty or higher. If we cleared the level twenty and twenty-five dungeons, I might be able to gain more.

Fowl groaned and shook his head. Gods no I cant stand grinding like that for no reason. Dont get me wrong, but we need to get to the tower as quickly as possible. That is where you will really shine.

A tsking sound came from Batrire as she stroked her beard.

Max looked at her quizzically and waited.

Fowl's right I hate to admit it, but he is right. We could farm those dungeons and possibly get you a skill or not. Doing so would handicap our experience and growth. Getting level thirty is only a boss away for the three of us. Getting to fifty, Batrire stopped talking and fished out her coin purse. Holding a gold coin and a copper coin out, she motioned to them. We are the gold coins at level fifty compared to copper. The creatures and treasure in the tower will be way better than anything you can imagine here.

Tanila nodded, and Max finally gave in. Ok, no more farming lower-level dungeons for skills.

Batrire laughed and shook her head. I didnt say you couldnt. Im just saying we shouldnt. Besides, I think a bald-headed man is expecting more items from you.

Max nodded and chuckled.

Now that we are done smelling each others arses let's see whats in that chest, Fowl said as he pointed at the chest that had appeared once the mimics corpse vanished. Have at it, oh slayer of everything.

Max nodded, moved to the chest, and opened it.

Inside were two items. One was a halberd that Max knew was his. The other was a cloak that changed colors while waiting for a winner to be picked.

Holy elf tits, Max muttered as he pulled the halberd out of the chest. It looked like his spear and axe meshed together inside the mimic. The silver tip extended nine inches past the axe head that was two feet long on one side. A flat, thick edge formed a small hammer head opposite the axe blade. Nine feet of a metal-wrapped shaft ended in a weighted metal ball at the end, balancing the weapon.

What in the gods is that? Fowl asked as Max moved a few feet away and began to twist and spin the weapon through various maneuvers.

After three more fighting attacks, Max stopped and fumbled the shaft for a second.


Fowl groaned again, holding his palms up and shaking his hands. Tell me what that is!

Max turned and held it toward his friend, a slight smirk on his face. Come and try it for yourself.

Fowl jogged over, grabbed the shaft, and started to yank it from Maxs hands until he realized he couldnt.

Bound?! Its bound?!

Max nodded, grinning like a fool as he stood the weapon upright. freeweb(n)ovel.com

And its identified as well.

[Inspect Weapon]


Fused Berserker Halberd

+2 Strength, Constitution, Dexterity

35% bonus damage against higher-level enemies



Thats impossible I mean, how can Fowl stumbled over the thoughts in his head, unable to even talk. Finally, he shrugged and hung his head. Its not fair. Blast you, Ockrim, it's not fair!

Batrire snorted, ignored the pouting warrior, and moved to the chest, looking inside. Oh, thats going to suck for you, Fowl.

The dwarfs head whipped toward the chest and moved, arriving a step after Tanila.

I need one of those, the elf said in a voice that sounded as sweet as honey.

Mother goblin luvin, ogre nut suckin Fowl shook his fist at the sky and snorted. Gods, everyone is going to have a great day but me.

I guess that means you are passing? Max asked, getting a middle finger waved at him from Fowl.

The two women activated the item, and both glanced at Max.

Im passing, he declared, motioning to his cape and tapping his new weapon against the ground.

They smiled and turned back, waiting to see who would win.

The high-pitched squeal Batrire let out after winning surprised Max, as he hadnt realized she could make a sound like that.

She fastened the cloak around her neck, twirling and displaying the grey-colored garment.

It matches your soul, Fowl grumbled, and Batrire responded with a smile and her middle finger.

Keep this up, and youre going to sleep on the floor tonight, she replied.

Fowl grunted and moved a bit further down the street.

Someone isnt happy, Tanila said, stating the obvious.

Max nodded and shrugged. Its hard when youre not the one loved by the gods.

Both women laughed and nodded, the three walking after the pouting warrior.

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