Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General - C.137: Where do you see that I don’t like it

Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General

C.137: Where do you see that I don’t like it

"Brother, can you help me build this Lego?"

"Brother, can you play a game with me?"

Feng Qingci transformed into a playmate, having a great time with the two little ones.

He was quite experienced when it came to taking care of children.

Meanwhile, Xu Yunxin called Lou Xi to the balcony.

"Xi, do you know what Qingci's family does for a living?"

Lou Xi: "I'm dating him. What does his family background have to do with it?"

Xu Yunxin: "I'm just curious. This boy seems quite nice, but it looks like you're not very interested in him."

"If you don't like him, you should tell him clearly soon. Don't waste his time."

"Where did you get the idea that I don't like him?"

It made her sound like she was toying with his feelings.

Xu Yunxin said knowingly, "I just haven't seen any sign that you like him!"

"Since he entered the house, you've kept your distance from him, barely said a word to him. That's what I call cold."

Lou Xi felt a bit helpless, "Mom, that's enough. Dad and the relatives have been bombarding him with all sorts of random questions."

"If I go over there too, don't you think it would be like ganging up on him? Do you expect him to debate everyone at once?"

"I know what's going on between us. You don't need to worry so much."

Xu Yunxin had thought that having a boyfriend would soften her daughter's personality, but now it seemed she had thought too much.

The two of them headed towards the living room. At that moment, Feng Qingci was surrounded by two children, all smiles and laughter.

"You should learn from him. Your cousins rarely visit, and when I ask you to play with them, you hide in a corner and ignore them, leaving everything to Qingci."

"...You know I don't like children."

Was this what they called a mother-in-law taking a shine to her son-in-law?

"Qingci, I suddenly remembered that I've seen your video online. Your mother is Nan Yin, right?" someone suddenly spoke up.

Hearing Nan Yin's name, Xu Yunxin looked at Lou Yangze.

She remembered that when he was young, he was a die-hard fan of Nan Yin, never missing an album or concert.

Even now, he hadn't missed any of her new songs, singing them to himself every day.

Unfortunately, he was tone-deaf, and his singing sounded like howling wolves or wailing ghosts, which annoyed her to no end.

Well, now that her daughter had brought home the son of his idol, he must be overjoyed.

Feng Qingci heard this and felt a bit reluctant to respond.

He hadn't expected that video to spread so widely, "Yes, my mom is Nan Yin."

"No wonder Qingci is so handsome, he must have taken after his mother!"

"When I saw the video before, I thought this young man was incredibly good-looking, much better than those bleached-hair pretty boys. I never imagined he'd turn out to be Xi's boyfriend. What a coincidence!"

"Exactly, he's much more handsome than anyone you see online these days!"


Listening to everyone chiming in with compliments about his looks,

Even though Feng Qingci was skilled at social interactions, he didn't know what to say now.

Xu Yunxin spoke up at the right moment, "Alright, don't scare Qingci. I'm going to make dinner now."

"Auntie, let me help you!" Feng Qingci stood up.

Xu Yunxin quickly said, "No need to help, just stay here and enjoy yourself."

"It's no trouble, I often cook at home."

Seeing Feng Qingci's insistence, Xu Yunxin led him to the kitchen.

However, she didn't intend to let him help much, maybe just wash or pick some vegetables.

But once they got to the kitchen, everything was different from what she had imagined.

Feng Qingci very skillfully opened the refrigerator and took out the vegetables.

Then he started washing them, with a familiarity as if he were in his own home.

"Auntie, should we braise or steam this fish?"

"Let's braise it!"

Xu Yunxin said, somewhat uncertainly.

She felt something was off, as if this wasn't her kitchen anymore, and he had taken over as soon as he entered.

Feng Qingci nodded, "Alright, I got it. Auntie, do you prefer spicy food or milder flavors?"

"Milder would be better."

"Okay, Auntie, could you help cook the rice? I'll take care of the dishes." fгeewebnovёl.com

After saying this, Feng Qingci started chopping vegetables. His knife skills were impressive, and Xu Yunxin was stunned. The vegetables seemed to be cut better than when she did it.

His mother was a big star, so logically, they should have had a housekeeper at home. She hadn't expected him to know how to cook.

Looking at Xi, she had never even washed a bowl since she was little, let alone cook.

Always with that cold face, as if everyone owed her millions. She wondered how Qingci had fallen for her.

"Qingci, how did you and Xi meet?"

Talking about this topic, Feng Qingci felt a bit shy.

"We met at the start of the school year, but later when my sister invited me for a meal, I found out she and Xi were roommates. That's how we got to know each other."

"You mean Qingyi, right? She came for Xi's birthday before. I never thought the brother she always talked about was you."

That girl better not have been badmouthing him again!

"Now that I think about it, you two really are quite fate-bound. Xi is always so cold and aloof, and her personality isn't exactly easy. Qingci, you'll need to be patient with her."

"Xi is fine the way she is. I... I quite like her like this."

Seeing the boy blush, Xu Yunxin felt somewhat relieved.

Such innocent young men were rare these days. Xi really had good taste.

"Qingci, let me cut these vegetables!"

"No need, Auntie. You go rest, I can handle this."

Xu Yunxin left the kitchen in a daze, realizing that she who was supposed to be the main chef now didn't even qualify as a helper.

"Sister-in-law, didn't you say you were going to treat us to your cooking today and wouldn't let us interfere? Why are you out here now?"

"Qingci said he'd take care of the dishes today and told me to come out."

Lou Yangze: "It's Qingci's first time here, how could you let him cook? Xi, stop looking at your phone and go help in the kitchen!"

"...He can manage on his own." She probably wouldn't be much help anyway.

Xu Yunxin and Lou Yangze exchanged a glance, feeling quite disappointed.

How could this child be so inconsiderate?

"Xi, we're not expecting you to do much. Just go help him wash some vegetables."

Only then did Lou Xi put down her phone and head to the kitchen.

After Lou Xi left, the living room immediately became lively.

Everyone started discussing Lou Xi and Feng Qingci.

"Xixi really has a good eye for choosing a boyfriend. He's handsome and comes from a good family. You could say they're a perfect match. She's set for a comfortable life."

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

"Well, that remains to be seen. Dating isn't the same as marriage. You never know what unexpected things might happen along the way."

"That's true. Even couples who've been together for seven or eight years can break up. And these two are still in college without stable jobs yet."

"Alright, enough of that. They've only just gotten together. It's far too early to be talking about marriage. You're all getting worked up over nothing."

